Latest Whatsapp Status For Boys And Girls | Best Shatsapp Status Video for Love,Friend,Family
Latest Whatsapp Status For Boys And Girls | Best Shatsapp Status Video for Love,Friend,Family
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for boys and girls.
Whatsapp Status For Boys
It Is Your Planning Which Give You Confidence To Go Ahead
You Can Only Success In Your Life When Your Think To Do Converted Into Try To Do.
Do The Act And The Attitude Follows.
What I Stand For Is What I Stand On.
Champions Train, Losers Complain.
Gratitude Is The Sign Of Noble Souls.
Work For A Cause, Not For Applause.
Being A Gentleman Is A Worthy Goal.
I didn't change, I just grew up. You should try it once.
I love buying new things but I hate spending money.
I'm not arguing, I'm simply tried to explaining why I'm Right.
I'm jealous my parents, I'll never have a kid as cool as theirs.
I don't have an attitude problem, I just have a personality that you can't handle.
We all are born to die, don't feel more special than me.
I hate math, but I love counting money.
Life is too short. Don't waste it reading my WhatsApp status….
My attitude towards you is based on how you treat me.
My personality is who I am, but my attitude depends on who you are!
If you think I am BAD you got it all wrong, I’m the worst!!!
If being Hot is now a Crime, ARREST ME!
Insulting people is something I don’t do. I only air my opinion about them.
I’m an odd combination of “Really Sweet” and “Do not mess with me”
I’m sorry it is all my fault. I forgot you’re deranged.
Hay You!!! Yeah… You – The one reading my status, please Get Lost!
The Earth without "Art" is just "Eh".
I'm so good at sleeping, I can do it with my eyes CLOSED
The Main Reason Behind The Every Failure Of Peoples Is Their Habit Of Take Rest After Every Success.
You left me without a reason, so please don’t come back with an excuse.
Beauty Fades After Time, But Personality Is Forever!
Phones Are Better Than Girlfriends,At Least We Can Switch Off.
Be a girl with a mind, a bitch with an attitude,and a lady with class.
Attitude Is Me.
Whatsapp Attitude Status For Boys
I am different, f**k
your opinion.
I’m Going To Make It.
Life Is How You Look At
Your Attitude And Your
Black As Night, Sweet As
Never Try To Fit It,
Stand Out.
I Am A Part Of All That
I Have Met.
A Gentleman Is Simply A
Patient Wolf.
When The Ego Dies, The
Soul Awakes.
If Nothing Is Right, You
Still Got A Lot Left.
We Come From God, I From
The Devil.
A Man Without Confidence
Has Nothing.
A Man With No Guts Will
Never Taste Glory.
My status is already
Who cares, I’m awesome!
I’m king of the town you
can take a look around.
A thinking man can never
be brave.
The Biggest Slap To Your
Enemies Is Your Success.
Don’t follow your
dreams, follow me.
Do not give advice
unless you are asked to.
Your silence is that the
best response to a fool.
Do you want to be at my
level? Climb bitch!
The Size Of Your Problem
Is In Your Mind.
They Love Me For My Six
Cars Not Six Pack.
I Am Not Sorry If You
Don’t Understand My Level Of Thinking.
I’m not worried about
losing people anymore,
I’ve realized that
they’re all going to leave at some point
Don’t Judge My Past.
Keep doubling your
Hustle until your haters ask “are you hiring?”.
I Don’t Live There
Do not search for a man
that will solve all your problems; he would not.
Find one that would not
let you face them alone.
It’s okay if you don’t
like me. Not everyone has good taste.
Learn to say NO and live
a tension free life!
Love me or hate me but
you will never change me.
I can’t trust someone
who is friends with everyone.
If you don’t have big
dreams you’ll end up working really hard for someone who does.
I don’t have time to
hate anyone. I either love you, or I don’t care at all.
Shout out to my haters,
sorry that you couldn’t phase me.
You left me hanging, so
I’ll leave you guessing.
I received nothing I
wanted, but I received everything I needed.
Don’t stress, do your
best, forget the rest.
I’m an odd combination
of “Really Sweet” and “Don’t mess with me”
Who cares, I’m awesome.
Better to be strong than
pretty and useless.
If life gives you
lemons, add vodka and have a party!
The bigger the
challenge, the greater the risk I’ll take, the more contented I am.
Don’t play with me!
Because I know I can play better than you.
Prove them wrong. Normal
is Boring.
I never lose. Either I
win or I learn.
Whatsapp Status For Girls
Smartness is a perfect beauty.
Sometimes you gotta put on your own glass slippers and shine!
Once a queen, always a queen.
Listen to your heart above all other voices.
girl’s dream = to eat without getting fat.
A girl should be like a butterfly: Pretty to see and hard to
Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is
another stepping stone to greatness.
girl has that one guy who he thinks about before she falls asleep.
is a girl’s loudest cry.
Too glam to give a damm.
compare me to other girls. There’s no competition. I’m one of a kind.
girl adding you to her WhatsApp is a modern sign of trust.
the girl with dreams on my way of becoming a woman with vision.
love the confidence that makeup gives me.
Keep your heels, head, and standards high.
a girl happy. That is the most amazing feeling she can ever experience.
matter what a woman looks like, if she is confident, she is sexy.
can’t mosquitoes suck out my fat instead?
girl should be two things: Classy and fabulous.
So name a game to play, and I’ll roll the bones, hello.
I’ve been doing dumb things; more out of control than I’ve at any
point been.
Nothing to demonstrate and I’m impenetrable and comprehend what
I’m doing.
Your attitude may hurt me, However mine can Slaughter You!
I’m no beauty queen, I’m simply wonderful me.
Be the girl with excellence, yet in addition swag.
Anytime, anyplace, child kid, I can get into misbehave
can’t all be princesses. I mean, someone has to bow as I walk past. If a girl tells you to leave her alone and you actually do then
you have absolutely no brain cells.Whatsapp Attitude Status For Girls
If you think I am BAD than
you’re wrong, I'm the worst.
I loved a girl and she broke
my heart. Now every piece of my heart love different girls.
People called it flirt
that's not fair…
Dear Mario, I wasted my childhood trying to save your girlfriend. Now, you help me to save mine.
Dear Mario, I wasted my childhood trying to save your girlfriend. Now, you help me to save mine.
Me and my wife live happily
for 25 years and then we met…
Childhood is like being drunk, everyone remembers what you did, except you.
I’m poor. I can’t pay attention in class room.
When I'm good I'm best , when I'm bad I'm worst.
I’m cool but global warming made me hot.
Excuse me. I found something under my shoes oh its your Attitude.
The biggest slap to your enemies is your success.
I always arrive late at office but I make it by leaving early.
Childhood is like being drunk, everyone remembers what you did, except you.
I’m poor. I can’t pay attention in class room.
When I'm good I'm best , when I'm bad I'm worst.
I’m cool but global warming made me hot.
Excuse me. I found something under my shoes oh its your Attitude.
The biggest slap to your enemies is your success.
I always arrive late at office but I make it by leaving early.
I’m sorry my fault. I forgot
you’re an Idiot.
I don’t have a bad handwriting, I have my own FONT.
My attitude based on how you treat me.
Hakuna Matata!!! – The great motto to live life...
Yeah You - The one reading my status, Get Lost!
I don’t have a bad handwriting, I have my own FONT.
My attitude based on how you treat me.
Hakuna Matata!!! – The great motto to live life...
Yeah You - The one reading my status, Get Lost!
When a bird hits your window
have you ever wondered if God is playing angry birds with you?
I know the voices in my head aren’t real but sometimes their ideas are just absolutely awesome!
I know the voices in my head aren’t real but sometimes their ideas are just absolutely awesome!
the girl with big dreams on my way of becoming a woman with a vision.
What’s a Queen without a King? According to
history, she was powerful.
If you are once a queen, you’re always a
The most beautiful curve on a girl is her
A girl should live like a Butterfly… Pretty
to see but difficult to catch.
Being a woman is absolutely priceless.
Some people just deserve a High-Five on their
I’m a princess without a Prince. My father is
the King!!!
कोरोना को रोकने में सरकार का साथ दीजिए, इस बीमारी की शंका होने पर टोल फ्री पर बात
whatsapp status in hindi
हमसे जलने वाले भी कमाल के होते हैं,
महफिले तो खुद की होती हैं पर चर्चे हमारे होते हैं
महफिले तो खुद की होती हैं पर चर्चे हमारे होते हैं
कोरोना को रोकने में सरकार का साथ दीजिए, इस बीमारी की शंका होने पर टोल फ्री पर बात
आजकल के हर आशिक की अब तो यही कहानी है,
मजनू चाहता है लैला को, लैला किसी और की दीवानी है।
मजनू चाहता है लैला को, लैला किसी और की दीवानी है।
जो पुरुष आज के समय में पत्नी, नौकरी, बिजनेस और स्मार्टफोन
के बीच में सामंजस्य बैठा ले वही आज का #महापुरुष है।
के बीच में सामंजस्य बैठा ले वही आज का #महापुरुष है।
पूरे सोशल मीडिया की बस्ती में माँ छाई है
तो फिर वृद्धाश्रम में किसकी माँ आई है ??
तो फिर वृद्धाश्रम में किसकी माँ आई है ??
जन्म-जन्मांतर के टूटे रिश्ते भी जुड़ जाते हैं,
बस सामने वाले को आपसे कोई काम पड़ना चाहिए।
बस सामने वाले को आपसे कोई काम पड़ना चाहिए।
गलत_फहमी का एक पल इतना जहरीला होता है,
जो प्यार भरे सौ लम्हों को एक पल में भुला देता है।
जो प्यार भरे सौ लम्हों को एक पल में भुला देता है।
ज़िन्दगी के बदल जाने में कभी वक्त नहीं लगता, पर कभी-कभी वक्त बदल जाने में पूरी ज़िन्दगी लग जाती है ।
इस दुनिया में बिना स्वार्थ के सिर्फ माता-पिता
ही प्यार कर सकते हैं।
कुछ ऐसा काम करो कि आपके माता-पिता अपनी
प्रार्थना में कहें “हे प्रभु! हमें हर जन्म में एसी ही
संतान देना।”
नाख़ून बढ़ने पर नाख़ून ही काटे जाते हैं, उंगलिया नहीं, इसी तरह रिश्तों में दरार आ जाए तो दरार को
मिटाएं, रिश्ते को नहीं।
ज़िन्दगी का पहला कपड़ा लंगोट – जेब नहीं, जिंदगी का आखिरी कपड़ा कफ़न-जेब नहीं, फिर सारी जिंदगी जेब भरने की खटपट
ज़रुरत तोड़ देती है इंसान के गुरुर को, न होती कोई मज़बूरी तो हर बन्दा खुदा होता।
सफ़र में मुश्किलें आएं तो जरुरत और बढ़ती है, कोई जब रास्ता रोके तो हिम्मत और बढ़ती है।
पैर में मोच और छोटी सोच इन्सान को कभी आगे
नहीं बढ़ने देते।
मंज़िल मिल ही जाएगी भटकते हुए ही सही, गुमराह तो वो हैं, जो घर से निकले ही नहीं।
वक़्त भी सीखाता है और गुरु भी, पर अंतर सिर्फ इतना है, गुरु सिखा कर इम्तहान लेता है, और वक्त इम्तहान लेकर सिखाता है।
फ़ितूर होता है
हर उम्र में जुदा – जुदा …… खिलौना , इश्क़ , पैसा फिर खुदा खुदा
सब्र रख तेरी
कदर उसे वक़्त बताएगा
जब तक किस्मत
का सिक्का हवा में है, तब खुद के बारे में फैसला कर लो क्योंकि जब वो
नीचे आएगा तब अपना फैसला खुद सुनाएगा
अपने वजूद पर
इतना न इतरा ए ज़िन्दगी…! वो तो मौत है जो तुझे मोहलत देती जा रही है…!!
पागल हो जाने
के भी अपने फायदे हैं , लोग पत्थर उठा लेंगे मगर ऊँगली नहीं उठाएँगे
दुश्मन बनाने
के लिए ज़रूरी नही लड़ा जाए! आप थोड़े कामयाब हो जाओ तो वो ख़ैरात में मिलेंगे …
हर फैसले होते
नहीं, सिक्के उछाल कर.. यह दिल के मामले है.. जरा
संभल कर!!
मूर्खों से
तारीफ सुनने से अच्छा है कि आप बुद्धिमान इन्सान से डाँट सुनले।
शतरंज मे
वज़ीर…और ज़िंदगी मे ज़मीर…अगर मर जाए तो खेल ख़त्म समझिए
कुछ लोग मुझे
अपना कहते थे … सच में सिर्फ कहते ही थे
ये दुनिया है
तेज़ धूप, पर वो तो बस छाँव होती हैं | स्नेह से सजी, ममता से भरी, माँ तो बस माँ होती हैं
लाख समझाया
उसको की दुनिया शक करती है..मगर उसकी आदत नहीं गयी मुस्कुरा कर गुजरने की.!♪♥♪
गलत कहते है
लोग कि संगत का असर होता है,वो बरसो मेरे साथ रही, मगर फिर भी बेवफा निकली..!!
पोथी पढ़ पढ़
जग मुआ, पंडित भया न कोय । ढाई आखर प्रेम का, पढ़े सो पंडित होय ।
बेटी को जिसने
मरवा दिया था पत्नी के कोख में,मोहल्ले में लडकिया ढूँढ रहा है नवरात्रे के
कन्या भोज में।।।
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